CHABAD of Sunshine Coast
A$ 16,630
A$ 80,000
Cong. Shvilei Dovid
$ 212,149
$ 500,000
Anshei Sefard Of NJ
$ 317,270
ישיבת זיו ישראל
₪ 903,463
₪ 1,400,000
Yeshiva Gedolah Tiferes Simcha
$ 290,170
$ 1,500,000
Shomrim London North & East
£ 58,025
£ 125,000
Cong. Yeshuos Moshe Viznitz
$ 778,404
$ 1,000,000
The Queens Cheder
$ 405,344
$ 400,000
Yeshiva Torah Vodaath
$ 3,015,766
$ 3,000,000
Beis Medrash Chabad of Pittsburgh
$ 202,840
$ 300,000